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Hasbro Battle Ops Bumblebee (TFVABG3)
Hasbro Revenge of the Fallen Blazemaster (TFVAAH8)
Hasbro Revenge of the Fallen Leader Class Jetfire (TFVAAC5)
$99.99 $124.99
Hasbro Revenge of the Fallen Mixmaster (TFVABO4)
Revenge of the Fallen Arcee (TFVAAH6)
Revenge of the Fallen Bruticus Maximus (TFVAAS2)
$109.99 $124.99
Revenge of the Fallen Cannon Bumblebee (TFVACH1)
Revenge of the Fallen Chromia (TFVAAX6)
Revenge of the Fallen Deep Desert Brawl (TFVAAX7)
Revenge of the Fallen Desert Tracker Ratchet (TFVAAP0)
Revenge of the Fallen Devastator giftset (TFVACL1)
Revenge of the Fallen Dirge (TFVAAY2)
Revenge of the Fallen Divebomb (TFVACH8)
Revenge of the Fallen Gears (TFVAAY5)
Revenge of the Fallen Interrogator Barricade (TFVAAZ7)
Revenge of the Fallen Ironhide (TFVABU7)
Revenge of the Fallen Jolt (TFVAAO1)
Revenge of the Fallen Leader Class Megatron (TFVABV1)
$99.99 $119.99
Revenge of the Fallen Long Haul (TFVAAP1)
Revenge of the Fallen Mudflap (TFVAAO3)